Allies for Summer


These days! There's so much medicine to find freedom and flow, if we only open our senses to what surrounds us.

If you're inspired to incorporate this medicine into your practice, I encourage you to explore more about these allies.
Learn where they're from, what their lives are like and how humans have lived in respect and honor (and otherwise) with them.

Meditate with your ally in your mind and heart;

dream with your ally;

seek out an essence, oil or other practical medicine with your ally in it.

Questions? Just ask.    Here's to the practice, creatures.


Clarity   &   Clear Quartz Medicine

  • Refining our focus, clarifying our attention so we can give our energy to what matters
  • Softening the business and buzz to honor real truth
  • Amplifying the energy around what means the most to us in this season

Wild Water for Deep Movement

  • Connecting with real freedom, real grace, real flow in the world to understand it in ourselves and feel the movement of all that surrounds us
  • Feeling true refreshment and potential resonate throughout our beings
  • Dropping in with ancient wisdom carried by these waters over long distances and for a long time 

Flow  &   Kyanite Medicine

This one makes most every list for me...

  • Connecting with the water within
  • Cultivating real ease that rises up in our bodies
  • Navigating obstacles with grace
  • Facilitating connection among all our channels for fluid communication throughout

Goodness,   Grace,   &   Mica Medicine

  • Knowing we are, we've always been, and we'll always be more than enough
  • Moving through our medicine and our living in layers
  • Knowing our capacity to do the work

Looking for some direction? Check out the Earth Medicine Sessions... They're a wonderful place to start.