a course for tending your

 Living Practice

and cultivating elemental relationship with change


wood + fire + earth + metal + water

building elemental awareness

stoking the creative fire

steeping in relationship with the living world in every season


What is Living Practice?

This offering was born of my own practice, of craving an everyday commitment to meaning and change, of deepening the intention with which I live my life. I have found that, more than anyone else in my knowing, the elements are profound allies in this work. They offer shape to my worlds — human relationships, writing, knitting and weaving, medicine making, dancing, playing, swimming, laughing, reading, teaching, singing… The elements bring them alive. Finding them in me brings me alive.

Living Practice as a course is a supported navigation in relationship with the elements. Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Over seven sessions, you will tend to what is healing in your everyday life and where you long to to grow. Steeping in connection, practicing what it is to embody these elements, to harness their energies within you, to understand and celebrate them in the world around you. This course is fully online, mostly recorded, with some optional and encouraged live classes. Here’s an overview of the schedule and what’s what.


Creative Approach | building elemental awareness and understanding how we embody the elements in creative practice

Tending Change | flowing with transformation within and around us

Rhythm, Element, and Resource | an interactive guidebook to connect with the elements and deepen your practice

Living Practice Is Going Online!

Wasn’t it already? Living Practice is transitioning to an on-demand online course this summer. Here’s what you’ll access through this course.

Seven Recorded Classes

Earth and Vessel | shaping a container // anchoring your work

Wood and Web | tending source // rooting in truth

Fire and Pulse | finding electricity // navigating rhythmic shift

Water and Activation | connecting beyond // cultivating deep trust

Metal and Design | honoring acute perception // harnessing real energy

Evolution | awareness as boundary // freedom to change

Wholeness | realizing integration // celebrating presence

Course Companion

A printable workbook called Rhythm, Element, and Resource to accompany your classes.

Two Bonus Classes to Deepen Your Practice

Creative Approach | building elemental awareness and understanding of how we embody the elements in creative practice

Tending Change | flowing with transformation within and around us


Return to Living Practice: Apprentices

This is one of those courses that invites us back over and over again. While the content of the course has evolved, the heart of it remains. Especially as the course becomes available on-demand, I’m so happy to invite returning participants to join as apprentices of Living Practice, to support a community of learning online. If you’re curious to learn more about what this looks like, please write me at graham@rootdeepliving.com.


Register for Living Practice

Questions before you register? Connect with me for answers or to learn more about equity seats or the Living Practice Apprentices.

living practice
Sale Price: $172.00 Original Price: $345.00