journey with water

an embodied journey with creativity and change

winter 2020-2021

Journey with Water

Journey with Water is a four week guided practice to connect with water within and beyond.

Winter is the time of water, of mystery and darkness, of what is moving through us, what is beneath the story, what is beyond our knowing. Essence of life as we know it, our waters inform our creativity, imagination, and trust. In this time of change, there may be no better companion for you in growing connection and relationship.

This journey draws together practice in meditation, creative process, and embodied exploration for the immersion you seek.

Journey with Water


Journey with Water


Journey with Water


Journey with Water



the fluid picture

စ Move at your own pace; daily meditations and investigations offer four full weeks of exploration
စ Journey with four distinct water dynamics, presence with marsh, eddy, river, and ocean
စ Guided meditations to explore the crystalline and flowing waters within
စ Investigation dives with ancient and contemporary water wisdom to ignite your exploration
စ Further resources for study, practice, and being water

Journey with Water

each day you encounter

One guided meditation or investigation with water စ
Accompanying journal prompts စ
Opportunities for creative navigation စ

and over time

More learning resources စ
*Optional extra: accompanying elixirs စ

Journey with Water
Sale Price: $29.00 Original Price: $58.00
Elixirs for Your Journey

q & a — water style

What do I even have to do for this course? What is it, Graham?

(Note my smile, because yall. This is water medicine making its way through my metal mind.) For me, this course would be a journey with water through writing or movement, my two favorite creative explorations. I might get enough water in me to pick up some fiber work and get more creative with color and line in water energy too.

Maybe you’re committed to your journal as an exploration of medicine. Maybe you take your thoughts with you on walks in the woods, or you’d like to engage with this medicine while you sit next to the river. Perhaps you want to bring these questions into your consciousness before your morning meditation. Maybe you’ve got a concrete creative practice, working with paint or sculpture or your garden. Or maybe you’re trying to figure out what water might seep out in you. There’s no right or wrong way to do this course. If you don’t know where to start, start with some paper and a pen. And then practice opening your heart, your eyes, and your wise waters within to wherever you’re drawn.

As usual, this medicine is an invitation from these waters themselves. Maybe we’ll learn how to talk about it together.

Do I need to do it everyday?

Journey with Water is a creative course, modeled to support you in navigating the depth and mystery so available to us in the winter season however you choose. Meditations and accompaniments will be released nearly daily during the month of December, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit with water everyday.

If you’re in your water, you’ll know the timing. You’ll find the flow. You might find you start everyday and then ease into a timing that’s more aligned as your energy meets the water too. The content will be available to you through March 20 (spring equinox).

Is this course live?

Nope! Journey with Water isn’t live, though if you move with us in the month of December we hope to have a couple of opportunities to connect live as we have with other courses like Living Practice. Upon registration, you’ll receive access to an easy to use course website where you can access content as it’s released.

Still have questions? Write me at Love yall.