giving into the guides
hello wise souls,
Are you noticing the continuous barrage of “opportunities to trust”? These moments of utter unknowing, whether it is
the one of two choices
drawing an answer out of the infinite options before us…
it’s everyday right now. A constant state of discernment. The past few years have been saddled with it. I’ve felt it navigating the rockiness of my own health alongside a full plate of responsibilities to myself and to others. And I have found comfort. Lately I’ve been thinking of my allies in comfort quite a lot and finding them, clearly and beautifully poised in my mind and even more in my heart, as guides.
one who leads another’s way.
a signpost.
that which steadies the direction or motion of something.
Sometimes we talk of guides as though they are above us somehow, distant and omnipotent leaders or teachers or whatever they may be in their high and perfect ways. And there is a way that something before us can shine so bright, but there are other ways we see their light.
Just now, I’m not thinking so much about those big visions, the illustrious personalities. I’m thinking more of the ones here with us, just now.
The ones beneath our feet or stirring the subtle knowing in our bones.
The ones I know because they speak the language of my heart, because their flutter catches my eye.
The ones I know because I don’t have to be listening to hear them, because together we make the world a wilder, more beautiful place.
I am finding in my journey with medicine, with conscious tending to my humanness and building intimacy with my home on earth, that it is less about the what and why and more about the who and how. Who I’m with — who I connect with— and how we are together. That is healing.
This is how I find my guides.
They’re everywhere.
The search, the knowing, and the practice of this intimacy — all of this is the launchpoint for the next iteration of rooted, a monthly gathering of dedicated earth dwellers. Dedicated to our healing, to our hearts, to growing intimacy with earth, to transforming one breath at a time in all the ways that bring through more of what is real in our lives.
This intentional space opens to new folks, dedicated, curious, figuring-it-out-with-earth folks, seasonally, and the autumn window is now. Registration includes a monthly two hour gathering with our small group live online (but also recorded in case it’s not always the right time), regular missives exploring the topics of our autumn classes, the occasional mini zine our conversations inspire, and hearty discounts on one-to-one work if that calls to you too. I’m so grateful for this community and so eager to know who will be joining us anew this autumn. If it’s you, you can send me a message at or register online at
P.S. Looking for more about guides? It’s a common theme this time of year. Check out unconventional guides, a note from august 2020.