Root Deep

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mending & tending.

well loves, 

this is collective transformation.

we have an opportunity now for a collective remembering, a reorientation back to togetherness.

now, in this moment of sensing crisis, of feeling fear and uncertainty as it rises in our hearts, our minds, our bellies, we are able to remember ourselves at home together in this healing. we have the most precious chance to listen —

to listen deeply to ourselves and what it is we’re truly here for,
to listen deeply to each other and what it is we’re here for,
to grow back together as we mend broken chains, tend to what’s real, and in it all build up elasticity, possibility, and real power with each other.

this is how we heal. together.

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so we mend. 

we’ve driven ourselves to the edges of relationship, pitting our safety against one another’s, as if i cannot be whole when you are also whole. as if my fullness isn’t interwoven with your fullness.

but we know, deeply and with the soul of all that is, what is true. my wholeness is more possible with yours. your fullness brings me freedom and health. we come alive together.

i’m grateful i’m *not* alone in this conversation. 

i know your wisdom thrives, and i am so eager to know what shape it is taking for you in this powerful moment. i’m talking about this invitation to togetherness — to tend the all of us.

the life in you is up for this challenge.

we know how to do this together.

i’m excited about sharing resources that center how we show up together in this time. let’s build these resources, build community across these elastic channels, and build into our breath, into our heartbeat and the work of our voices and hands, the transformation we claim. one that draws us closer and reminds us we’re in this alive, together.