Root Deep

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New Patterns

new patterns.

i am gathering moments of rest
weaving every one carefully into my fabric
to repattern this being

learning always what care + nourishment look like.  it’s nearly always an invitation to be with the energy of the season.  to understand what balance looks like for me in each moment + to allow myself to be moved by the forces of the world around me.

i’ve been going to the woods + water to move + breathe + grow my connection with my living self.

thursday i was met with a new medicine —

the cicadas were singing.  it felt like a chorus of insects of many sorts, but i’m not certain.  whoever it was, their songs met me. the rhythmic buzz, the highs + lows of their winged voices.

i was practicing stillness on the outside {practicing a form of qi gong that’s just still}, feeling the energy +movement grow on the inside.  the buzz resonated with my nervous system.

i cannot pretend that i am not exhausted, my body unfolding new glimpses of this to me every day.  but this medicine met me in a way my herbs + sleep haven’t yet this summer. like electricity moving through me, i felt connections lighting up + blockages dissipating.

i wonder what sort of fullness i might find today.  opening into life rather than shutting it out, closing myself in — maybe it’ll feel a little more possible, more spacious, more nourishing.  however it is, it will be different. i am different. like this world, evolving every day.

being a being of earth medicine.