Opportunities for Your Medicine
This Autumn


This fall, I am taking space for integrating all that I am learning, so that I can bring it into my work with authenticity and integrity. I know that this will be medicine for me, and I hope it will allow me to bring life and width to my work as well. 

Here is some basic information about this autumn season. If you have any questions for me, please email me: graham@rootdeepliving.com.


 what + when

  • One-to-one sessions and custom formulations with me will be paused from September through November

  • Including Earth Medicine Sessions, Stone Sessions, + regular Mentorship Sessions

  • I will be in touch, likely sometime in early December, to connect with you and make space for healing conversations

stocking up + your medicine

  • I am open for consultations and formulations this week and next: BOOK YOUR SESSION

  • If you’d like to stock up on day-to-day medicines before the end of August (if that’s something aligned with you and your healing intentions), please email me or schedule a consultation*

    *We can arrange a payment plan if you’d like to spread out the cost of a larger order.

herbalists + herbal medicine makers to consider

These are people and businesses I know in real life! I treasure the medicine they offer, and their ways of working with medicine align with the work you and I do together.

For Consultations

For Creative Orders

(pre-prepared formulas + easy online shopping)



If you’d like to connect about what’s best for you during this time, please email me or schedule a consultation by August 26.